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  • Easy to learn: You can dive right in and start building your city.
  • A Mix of Genres: Brings the exciting mini-games from Farming Sims and RPGs into the city-builder genre.
  • Portable: A Strategy Game designed to be played on the go or at home.
  • Interactive Story: Your choices shape the story and affect your city and its inhabitants.
Selected in Wholesome Direct 2024 Best Indie Game Of The Year 2023 on IndieDB Best Indie Game Showcase Cerebral Puzzle Showcase 2023 and 2024 Accessibility showcase 2024

“It sounds so thoroughly unique I feel like I have to play it.”


"Super charming, I want to play more of this."


“What makes Dawnfolk stand out amongst the throng of city builders is a blend of small but fun little touches you won't find in other games of the genre.”

Tiny Gaming